Environmental Justice

We provide representative, consulation and advocacy options for clients in the environmental justice space. This includes negotiating with givernment agencies and ensuring the fair and equitable use of natural resources. We foster public private participation and conduct environmental impact assessments to ensure our clients businesses are in accordance with the rule of law. MTLAW JURIS […]
Climate Change

Our consulting team features key figures and leading experts in the climate change discourse. We help companies, countries, and individuals stay abreast of the latest developments in climate change resolutions while navigating a shift towards green buildings and renewable energy sources. We also carry out studies and research on the difference in air quality between […]
Waste Management

We offer consultation and waste management advisory services to governments, businesses and organisations to help them combat residential and industrial waste management challenges. We also help our clients integrate resource-based waste management techniques to efficiently minimise and recycle water resources, clean up oil spills, nutrient recycling, and maintain asset integrity.
Resource Exploitation and Sustainability

MTLAW JURIS CONSULTS advocates and advises on practices and regulations for sustainable land management and the importance of conserving our wetlands, water and forest reserves. While the exploitation of natural resources is necessary for human existence, the socio-economic and health effects of overexploitation can be harmful. Thus, such exploitation must be done sustainably, with full […]
Biodiversity Conservation

We help clients understand their rights, needs and duties regarding the conservation and management of species and ecosystems to ensure sustainable development. This involves training and capacity building workshops, analysis of existing government legislation, environmental impact assessments and research on curbing carbon footprints. We also facilitate sensitisation projects in areas where human and wildlife conflicts […]